Saturday, January 3, 2009

HaPpY HoLiDaYs!!!!!!!

This is going to be a HUGE post!!!! Our Holidays started out with a trip on The Heber Creeper-The Polar Express. If any of you know my dad he is a HUGE Polar Express fan so he bought us all tickets to go. We went the day before Thanksgiving. It was tons of fun and the kids loved it! I even made my dad a scrapbook of it and had Shutterfly print it up for me. It was his Christmas Present and he LOVED it. I will have to say that Shutterfly did an AMAZING job at printing it up. Thanks DAD!

Then Christmas Eve we went to Brandon's Aunt Deanna's so that the kids could open their presents from her.

We gave the kids their big present from us on Christmas Eve too cause we didn't want to pack it around. It was a computer and they were so excited to get it running.

We went to my parents on Christmas Eve for a party then left there and we went to Mike and Betsy house(good family friends of Brandon's family). We ended up at Brandon's parents where we stayed the night on Christmas eve because Brandon's brothers have both joined the Air Force and we don't know when we will have a Christmas with them again. It was so fun for the kids to stay there though. We opened our presents Christmas morning. I got a new camera from Brandon's parents which was an AWESOME surprise. I needed a new one so bad and it is a really, really nice one. I was so excited. I also got some boots, some jeans and a straightening iron from my parents. Brandon gave me a steamer mop for my floors and I love it too. Brandon and I got a digital picture frame from his parents. Lilly got a pink digital camera, and Alyssa and Hayden got Nintendo DS's. Plus tons more stuff. Brandon got a new cell phone and a IPOD. So I will have to say we got spoiled! Steve made us an AWESOME breakfast and my parents and Joe came down to watch the kids open their gifts and have breakfast with us. It was so nice that we could all be together Christmas morning. We hung out at Brandon's parents all day and ended up getting snowed in that night and stayed there again.
Lilly also got tons of clothes from Aeropostale which is her new favorite place to shop. She also got some cute boots.

So.....I hope you all had a WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS! We sure did.


Lish Fish said...

Yeah for Aero! Little cheaper than the current fav Limited Too! AND just as cute!!

Looks like you had an awesome Christmas! Glad you found time to communicate with your bloggin buds. Missed seeing what is going on with you.

You look great and it was wonderful talking with you the other day! Keep in touch!!

Heather said...

Sounds like you guys had a WONDERFUL Christmas!!! Hope you have a Wonderful New Year!!

Hickman Family said...

You and the kids look very happy, I am so glad! It looks like the kids had a good Christmas. That is so cute that your kids wore their pj's on the polar express! Too much fun!

brenda said...

That is so cool you guys do the polar express. I have been wanting to do that so hopefully next year we can. Glad you had a great Christmas.

Tara said...

How fun. I love the jammies. I really wanted to do the Polar Express thing but we never made it. You got lots of fun stuff. I am glad you had a good Christmas.

The Sumkos said...

We are blogging twins aren't we!! I loved looking at your pics. Your hair looks so cute and I love your jammies! We definately need to get together!!

TinaBean said...

Hey Kam!
Glad to see a new and LONG post from you. Fun to see your pics! You looked like you had a GREAT holiday. Talk to you soon!

Karrie said...

Looks like you guys had a great Christmas. It was so good to see you at the family party. Your kids are so dang cute.

Tara said...

Why don't you have a facebook account????