Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Honey!!!

I seriously am such a pathetic Blogger. I have no time at all, so I do have an excuse. I am staying up later than normal just to post. Brandon's Birthday was the end of March and I never got around to posting anything for it. We had a party at my in-laws house because our bathroom was torn apart (yes another huge project). We had a lot of fun! My parents came down and had dinner with all of us and then stayed for the party. My Hubby is such a young one its crazy to think he just turned 26. Anyway I think he had a good Birthday and he gave up part of his Birthday present and surprised me with a plane ticket to Texas, which I was going to stay behind and not go. So what an AWESOME husband I have! He would do anything for me and the kids. Happy Birthday Sweetie!

What a BRAT he was trying to stage it for me cause the first time he blew it them out to fast so we relit them.

Lil and Ryker(Brandon's cousins boy)